To be fair to all
To serve my community
To show respect for others
Rota Kids are busy organising a Crazy Hair Day. We are hoping that this will take place at the end of January 2025. Everybody in school must come into school with a crazy hair style. We will be linking this to Children’s Mental Health Week and we will be asking for a £1 contribution. Any money that we raise will be donated to a children’s mental health charity.
New Committee
A new committee was appointed to Rotakids. We wish all the Rotakids in Year 6 a fun and successful year
Cancer Research North West came into school to do some fantastic science work with Hawthorn and Oak Class. As these sessions are free, our RotaKids held a cake sale to support their on-going research work. It was a fantastic success and raised an incredible £137. Well done.
Elf Run
Our first fundraising event was St John’s Hospice Elf Run. All the children took part in this fun event on a beautiful sunny, but very frosty, morning, It certainly got us in the Christmas mood. A special mention to those children who were sponsored and to Carnforth Rotary Club who donated money for the wonderful hot chocolate. The total raised was a fabulous £560, which was donated to St John’s Hospice to carry on their fantastic work.
In a change to how we normally do things, this year we asked for foodbank donations on Christmas party day. Everyone was very generous and we were able to send 4 large boxes of food. Thank you to everyone who donated.
Easter Bingo
A total of £365 was raised by the Easter Bingo event. Thank you to everyone who attended or donated a prize. I think everyone will agree, we had great fun. Any eggs donated, and not used, as prizes were donated to the Morecambe Bay Foodbank.
The children were very keen that the money raised should be used to ease the suffering of children caught up in the Ukraine conflict. With this is mind, £365 was given to a local mission organised by Mrs Swindlehurst’s husband, Mark. The money was taken to the town of Zamosc, near to the Ukranian border, and used to provide food, nappies, beds, shelter and some treats for families in the settlement centres. Aid was also taken to families currently still in the Ukraine who are sheltering. The children in Oak Class have been receiving regular video updates and photos showing the journey and how the money has been used to directly help those most in need.
Cake Sale
Rotakids are organising a cake sale on July 7th to raise money for Lend with Care, our international charity. The money raised from the sale will go to small businesses around the world with the aim that their business will grow and become sustainable. They can then pay back the loan which can then be loaned to another business. Year 2 have been learning all about Lend With Care and have chosen new businesses to support.
Each year, we organise a reverse advent calendar to give Christmas food and gifts to Morecambe Bay Foodbank. On a specified day in December, linked to your child’s birthday month, we ask that you donate something non-persishable to help those less well off enjoy the festive period.
Thank you so much for everyone who contributed to the Reverse Advent Calendar 2021. As you can see we collected a fantastic amount (over 7 boxes). Morecambe Bay Foodbank collected your donations and were overwhelmed by your generosity. Thank you for supporting our RotaKids event.
On Friday 10th December, the RotaKids organised a Reindeer Rush event to support St John’s Hospice. We can announce that we raised an amazing £519. Thank you everyone for supporting this event, especially those that sponsored children to take part.