Holly Class is a class of 20 Year 2 children, taught by Mrs Thomson and Miss Bleackley, supported by Mrs Swindlehurst, Miss Atkinson, Miss Parkinson and Miss Hoggarth.
This term, in Holly Class, our topic is ‘Carnforth, My Home Town‘ We start our journey learning about Beatrix Potter and The Tale of Peter Rabbit. We will learn all about how home life and transport has changed within living memory. Through our topic work we will use skills from many areas of the curriculum, such as Geography, History, Art, DT, Music and Dance. For Science, we will be learning about ‘Animals including humans‘. PSHE this term will be about keeping safe online.
We are looking forward to enjoying animal stories, life cycle explanations, instructions and poetry, where we will write for a different range of purposes, developing our spelling, punctuation and grammar skills.
In RE, we will learn about how and why Jesus was special then after half term our Easter focus will link to the transformation of plants and animals.
PE will be on Tuesday and Wednesday, children are to come dressed in their PE kits on these days. Remember to take earrings out.
Our weekly spelling test will be on Thursday.
Please see our Curriculum News for the Autumn term and our Curriculum Matrix to find out about all the other amazing subjects we are learning skills in this term.
This year we are on Year A of our 2 year curriculum matrix, please see the attached link for more information.
Christ Church Curriculum Matrix HOLLY CLASS