
The Governing Body has a corporate responsibility for overall effectiveness of our school. The majority of the School Governors are ‘Foundation Governors’ which means that they have been elected or appointed by the local Parochial Church Council (PCC) of Christ Church, Carnforth.

Our Chair of Governors is Mrs Gillian Wooff.

At Carnforth Christ Church, we also have two parent governors. For more information about being a parent governor and about parent governor election disqualification, please download the documents at the bottom of the page.

Here is a list of our School Governors:

Name Appointed Terms of Office Ends Governor Information
Mr. Steve Plevey Appointed 23/10/2014
Re-appointed October 2018 and April 2022
08/04/2026 Foundation P.C.C/Resources Committee Chair
Mr Plevey is not a governor of another school, but is the proprietor of a residential care home.
Mr Phillip Dunn Appointed 24/01/2023 23/01/2027 Foundation P.C.C
Mr Dunn is not a governor of another school and does not have a declared business interest
Mrs. Dawn Hanson 19/09/2017
Re-elected September 2021
19/09/2025 Staff (elected)
Mrs Hanson is not a governor of another school and does not have a declared business interest. Mrs Hanson is sister-in-law to Mrs Rebekah Richardson, who is employed as Headteacher at the school.
Mrs. Jean Holland 23/10/2014
Re-appointed November 2022
31/10/2026 Foundation P.C.C.
Mrs Holland is not a governor of another school and does not have a declared business interest.
Mr. David Normington 24/11/2023 23/11/2027 Parent (elected)
Mr Normington is not a governor of another school, but is the Director of Keerford Ltd (Trading as Carnforth Post Office)
Mrs. Clare Thomson 01/01/2020
Reappointed January 2024
31/12/2027 Co-opted
Mrs Thomson is not a governor of another school and does not have a declared business interest.
Mrs. Catherine Wild 13/11/2017
Reappointed November 2021
11/11/2025 Foundation Diocesan D.B.E
Mrs Wild is not a governor of another school and does not have a declared business interest.
Mr. Paul Threlfall 13/11/2017
Reappointed November 2021
11/11/2025 Foundation Diocesan D.B.E/Vice Chair of Governors/Personnel Committee Chair
Mr Threlfall is not a governor of another school and does not have a declared business interest.
Mr. Graham Wilson 10/02/2023 09/02/2027 Parent (elected)
Mr Wilson is not a governor of another school and does not have a declared business interest.
Mrs Gillian Wooff 03/11/2021 02/11/2025 Local Authority Governor/Chair
Mrs Wooff is not a governor of another school and does not have a declared business interest. Mrs Wooff is sister-in-law to Miss Sophie Wooff, who is employed as a teacher at the school.
Mrs. Rebekah Richardson 15/04/2024 ex officio Headteacher
Mrs Richardson is not a governor of another school and does not have a declared business interest. Mrs Richardson is sister-in-law to Mrs Dawn Hanson, who is employed as a teacher and staff governor at the school.
Vacancy Parish Priest (Ex Officio)
Vacancy Foundation P.C.C.
Vacancy Foundation P.C.C
Miss Sarah Prince Clerk to Governors (Governor Services)
Mrs Bridget Evans 09/12/2019 Resigned 08/11/2023 Parent Elected
Mrs Evans was not a governor of another school and did not have a declared business interest.
Mrs Emma Wright Crooks 13/03/2019
Reappointed March 2023
Resigned 08/12/2023 Foundation P.C.C.
Mrs Wright crooks was not a Governor at another school and did not have a declared business interest.
Father Stephen Jones Pre 2000 21/01/2024 Parish Priest (Ex Officio)
Father Stephen was not a Governor at another school and did not have a declared business interest.
Mrs Sue Parry 01/09/2016 Reappointed September 2020 31/08/2024 Foundation P.C.C Mrs Parry was not a governor of another school and did not have a declared business interest.

Governing Body Committees

Personnel & Curriculum Working Committee

  • Mr Paul Threlfall (Committee Chair)
  • Mrs Dawn Hanson
  • Mrs Jean Holland
  • Mrs Clare Thomson
  • Mr Graham Wilson
  • Mrs Gillian Wooff (Ex-officio)
  • Mrs Rebekah Richardson(Headteacher)

Resources Working Committee

  • Mr Steve Plevey (Committee Chair)
  • Mr Phillip Dunn
  • Mr David Normington
  • Mrs Gillian Wooff (Ex-officio)
  • Mrs Catherine Wild
  • Mr Paul Threlfall (Ex-Officio)
  • Mrs Rebekah Richardson (Headteacher)

Nominated Governors

  • SEND: Mr. P. Threlfall (Reports in theĀ Autumn Term)
  • Safeguarding (including online safety): Mr. P. Threlfall (Reports in the Summer Term)
  • Website: Vacancy (Reports Termly)
  • Mathematics: Mrs G. Wooff (Reports in the Summer Term)
  • RE and Worship: Mrs C. Wild (Reports in the Spring Term)
  • English: Mrs G. Wooff (Reports in the Autumn Term)
  • ICT: Mr G. Wilson (Reports in Summer Term)
  • Creative Curriculum: Mrs J. Holland (Reports in Summer Term)
  • Music: Mrs E. Wright Crooks (Reports in the Spring Term)
  • Health and Safety: Mr S. Plevey (Reports in the Summer Term)
  • Link Governor: Vacancy (Reports in the Spring Term)
  • School Portal: Mrs R. Richardson(Reports in the Autumn Term)