Ofsted & SIAMS


Our school was subject to a Section 8 (routine short inspection) led by Mrs Amanda Stringer, HMI, on 30th March 2022. During this inspection, Mrs Stringer met with staff, governors, parents and pupils as well as our school adviser. We are very proud that the outcome of the inspection was that our school continues to be ‘GOOD.’

Key statements which were made in the report include:

  • Pupils arrive at school each day happy and eager to learn. Pupils achieve well in the calm environment that leaders have created.
  • Pupils become avid readers and enjoy listening to the exciting stories that staff read to them. Older pupils eagerly select books by their favourite authors from the high-quality texts that staff recommend.
  • Leaders are adept in identifying pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). These pupils are supported well by skilled staff. Pupils with SEND learn alongside their friends and access all that school life has to offer.
  • Pupils understand the importance of treating everyone with kindness, understanding and respect.

Our previous Ofsted Inspections were carried out in June 2013 and October 2009, during which we were graded as a ‘GOOD’ school. You can find copies of our full inspection report and the latest short inspection letter at the bottom of the page. You can also  click here   to navigate to the Ofsted website where all inspection reports are archived.



As we are a Church of England (Voluntary Aided) Primary School we receive a SIAMS inspection (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools). Our latest inspection was carried out in May 2022 where we were graded ‘EXCELLENT’ in all areas. Again, we are very proud of our achievements and would like to celebrate this with highlighting the following key comments from the report.

  • The school’s inclusive and deeply embedded Christian vision forms a firm foundation for the whole school community. This is enhanced by a clear understanding of the importance of Christian values based on the fruits of the Spirit. This results in excellent behaviour within lessons and around the school.
  • Ambitious and inspirational leadership of this Church school drives exceptional opportunities, experiences and achievements for all pupils.
  • There are extremely strong partnerships with the church and community groups. This results in pupils identifying ways in which they can live out biblical teaching with their deeply rooted desire to support those in need.
  • Collective worship is vibrant, fully inclusive and memorable. This inspires pupils and adults developing their personal spirituality.
  • Religious education (RE) is rigorously planned and challenging, giving many opportunities for pupils to think about life’s ‘big questions’.

If you would like to read the full SIAMS inspection report, please download this from the PDF link at the bottom of the page.