Oak Class is a class of 16 Year 6 children, taught by Miss Wooff and our teaching assistant this year is Mrs Cullen. Mrs Richardson teaches Oak Class on Fridays.
This term, in Oak Class, our topics will be:
‘World War II and Windrush’.
Throughout these topics, we will focus on many events of World War II and Windrush and how these events had an impact on people living at the time.
For more information on our learning this term, here is the Autumn Term edition of our Curriculum Newsletter: Oak Curriculum-letter-Autumn-2024
This year, we are on Year A of our 2 year curriculum matrix and Hawthorn Class are following the same matrix, please see the attached link for more information.
Christ Church Curriculum Matrix Oak and Hawthorn Class 2024
Here is a copy of our homework for this half term: Spellings and topic homework – Autumn 1
Times Table Rock Stars is available all the time! See https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student/57751 to login.