At Carnforth Christ Church our charging and remissions policy complies with statutory requirements, has regard to the Authority’s policy statements on charging and is reviewed on an annual basis.
The Governing Body recognises the valuable contribution that the wide range of additional activities makes towards the children’s personal and social development as well as enhancing and enriching the school’s curriculum. Such activities can include local trips, visitors, trips to museums and residential experiences. We aim to promote and provide such activities as part of a broad and balanced curriculum for the children and believe that all our children should have an equal opportunity to benefit from school activities and visits independent of their parents’ financial means.
As set out in our Charging and Remissions Policy (below) we will only ever request contributions from parents in order to cover the costs of the event and transport, not to make a profit. Although contributions from parents are only voluntary for such activities, if insufficient contributions are made and there are no other sources of funding available, regrettably, the activity will be unable to take place. No child will be treated differently as a result of the response to ‘Voluntary Contributions’.
The school will make full charges, for any residential visits, or activities that take place outside school hours. These activities are entirely voluntary and the children take part at the discretion for their parents. If a parent has any difficulty in meeting this request, please do not hesitate to contact the Headteacher.
Charges will be made for any child receiving tuition from a Lancashire Music Service peripatetic teacher, e.g. children receiving woodwind tuition, with their parents’ permission.